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Masako Kubo
Masako Kubo
久保 雅子
大学卒業後、会社勤務を経て渡英。University College Falmouth イラストレーション学科を卒業。複数のテクスチャとドローイングを組み合わせた作品が主。現在ニュージーランドを拠点に活動中。
After receiving a non-art related degree and several years of office job in Tokyo, Masako moved to the UK to study illustration at University College Falmouth. She is now based in New Zealand and works for clients from many different countries. Her work is characterized by a mixture of several different textures and drawings.
三井ホーム, スヴェンソン, 星野リゾート『界』, 高島屋, LUMINE, LaQua, FIGARO japon, FRaU, CREA Traveller, Condé Nast Traveller, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent, The Wall Street Journal, ILLUMS, NHK出版
and more.
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